

This is my friend Jason. Jason has been in Afghanistan for the past year. We go waaaay back. I guess I've known him since I was about 10? Maybe even earlier than that. We grew up in the same youth group, but I guess the main reason we have stayed close would be that his sweet wife is one of my best friends. We seriously go waaaay back, like in the womb!

This is Erin. She is Jason's wife. She is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the out. I seriously love this girl! We have pictures from Cradle Roll together. That's what's up y'all. Some of my best childhood memories are with this gal.

This is Ruger. He is the perfect combination of Jason and Erin, not only in looks, but in personality. This kid is AWESOME! Just like his parents.

This sweet family means the world to me. Jason has been overseas fighting and defending our country, sacrificing his time (that could be spent with his family) and his energy (that could be spent on his family) for our freedom. I am so very proud of him and thankful the Lord saw it fit that he should return home safely to his family. We found out while he was in Afghanistan, where he was stationed and what he was doing was one of the more dangerous jobs there. I know God was with him, because we were all praying hard for his safety during that time.
Through it all, Erin stayed strong and patient. She never seemed sad or mad that her husband was away. She was definitely an inspiration to me!

Sunday night we had a celebration for Jason's homecoming at Erin's parent's house. It was so nice to get to spend time with them and see them together as a family again.

Thank you Jason (and Erin and Ruger too!) for everything you do!

p.s. You can follow their military journey at Erin's blog.

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