
Day 1

It is the first day of  November and Christmas is officially in the air!!! Can't you feel it!? :)
This year I started the Christmas music earlier than ever before so it has been blaring through our house for some time now, but today I felt like it was finally semi-normal. Christmas is the  most wonderful time of the year! Duh! But, before I get carried away, there is one more holiday to get through that I like to call Almost Christmas Time, but you might know it better as Thanksgiving.
Don't get me wrong, I love, let me repeat, LOVE me some Thanksgiving dinner and the time shared with family, but to be honest I have never given Thanksgiving much thought as far as its purpose goes.
This year is different. I want to take time everyday leading up to Thanksgiving to be thankful for 1 thing. I know there are more than 22 things in my life to be thankful for, so I will try to lump it all together as best I can.

Since this is the first day of November, this would mark the first day of Thanksgiving. Today I am thankful for God's love. What better way to start?

As mentioned before I only got 22 days to do this, so I want to make sure I do it right. The only way to start this off is by being grateful for God's love and all that goes with it. I wouldn't be here, typing this little post if it weren't for God's love. I wouldn't have the hope of Heaven if it weren't for God's love. When I say I am thankful for God's love I mean all of it. This list could be miles long, seriously, but I'll try to just touch the basics.
God loves us so much:
-He gave us his Son so we can have the hope of Heaven
-He gave us His Word
-He gave us His Church
-He gives us life
-He gives us family
-He gives us friends
-He provides us with basic needs (food, water, clothing, shelter)
-He provides material blessings
-He provides jobs
-He provides EVERYTHING good in this life!

What a blessing and a privilege to have such a loving God. If it weren't for His love we would be nothing. Completely worthless.
It is only because of the love of God we are who we are and we have what we have. I want to always remember this and keep it handy for the days I'm feeling particularly selfish or proud.
I am so thankful for His love!
What are you thankful for?

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